Baby Story Pro

4.2 ( 4842 ratings )
Edukacja Książki
Desenvolvedor: Yu Ma
0.99 USD

In this quiet night, a touch of flowers all around, the child holding his favorite toy, relying on the arms of their parents to listen to songs to listen to the story, and then gradually fell asleep ......

Such a warm beautiful scene is probably a lot of peoples childhood memories. Dear parents, friends rushed to such a warm childhood memories, so much fun childrens songs, stories dedicated to our most lovely kids.

"Baby Story " is dedicated to all parents of a special baby story, listen to songs of the application, it gives you carefully selected: the fairy tale, idiom stories, Chinese childrens songs, Chinese songs, English songs, classic six Beautiful songs story.

You can also set their own story of playing time, and regularly updated every month. You no longer worry about telling stories.

ABC,Apple Song,As I Go I Love To Sing,Do Re Mi,Donkey Donkey I Beg You,Edelweiss,Happy Birthday To You,Happy New Year,Jingle Bell,Little Cabin In The Wood,Ten Little Indian Boys,We Wish You A Merry XMas,,Animal Fair,Dixie,In The Good,Old Summertime,Mary Had A Little Lamb,The Hokey Pokey

你拍一我拍一, 好爸爸坏爸爸, 虫儿飞, 拔萝卜, 不倒翁, 布娃娃, 凑数歌, 孔雀, 拉大锯, , 一只哈巴狗, 小毛驴, 小不点, 蜗牛与黄鹂鸟, 娃哈哈, 排排坐, 分果果, 上学歌, 小花猫, 小蚂蚁, 小小姑娘, 鱼儿水中游,

共产儿童团歌, 歌唱二小放牛郎, 丑小鸭, 读书郎, 两只老虎, 卖报歌, 小燕子, 猪小弟, 种太阳, 一分钱, , 小螺号, 小白兔乖乖, 我们的田野, 玩泥巴, 世上只有妈妈好, 让我们荡起双桨, 红星歌, 春天在哪里, 铃儿响叮当, 拍手歌, 数鸭子, 小星星

腊八粥, 狼来了, 年的来历, 农历, 乌鸦喝水, 爱美的小公鸡, 猴子捞月, 披着羊皮的狼, 三只小猪, 神笔马良, 蝙蝠自辩, 吹箫的渔夫, 伐树摘果, 狐狸和樵夫, 会摇尾巴的狼


龟兔赛跑, 卖火柴的小女孩, 拇指姑娘, 睡美人, 五色鹿, 辛巴达航海历险记, 雪儿的故事, 渔夫和金鱼, 灰姑娘, , 白雪公主, 最好吃的蛋糕, 皇帝的新装, 玫瑰公主, 青蛙王子